I Run For Life

About Me

My photo
Louisiana, United States
I'm Just a small town girl who's always deep in thought.

The Jake Owen Raborn Foundation

These Are My Stories

Little Maggie

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Patrick First Dip In The Pool!

Hey Everyone,
I know, I know...its been months! Patrick is now 5mos old, he weighs 20lbs and he can roll over, sit up, & say dada! Things here are hectic, but I am LOVING MOTHER HOOD! Keep checking in...Raymond and I are getting married on OCTOBER 3rd!!! You can follow me at www.MySpace.com/caseyjo18

Friday, March 6, 2009

A Smiling Prince!

My Little Prince is growing so much, I wanted to share some pics of him smiling. Be sure to pop on over to Zhohn's blog and see pics of our little Olivia! She is GORGEOUS!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Hey Everybody,
It's been a couple of weeks so I thought I could fill you all in on whats been going on. Patch is now 6wks old and he weighs 10lbs and is 22 inches long.
You remember those luv's diaper commercials that said, "In the beginning, you buy all those expensive diapers, then you get over it?" Well, the same thing goes for motherhood... In the beginning you really try hard to go by the book about how much to feed your child and how often...then one day you just get over it. At 3weeks old, I introduced Patrick to rice cereal in his bottle. I started off with 2 teaspoons, then before long, I started adding enough to make it look like pudding. My son is happy, healthy, and he is sleeping through the night! That means that mommy sleeps through the night too!!
Patrick is so funny when he laughs...it tickles me to the point that I burst out laughing too. He is my world and I love that I finally know what it feels like to be a mom. It really is the most wonderful thing in the world!
He is growing so much, so fast. I noticed that he is learning things also. Just last week, he learned to shit up his back, down his legs and in his hair! AND...he did it all in public!! I was so proud!
Anyway, thats all I have for now...but I will continue to keep you all posted!

Remember I love you all,


Monday, January 26, 2009

Patrick Theo-Joseph Piazza Has Arrived!

Hey Guys,
Guess who finally arrived on Jauary 16th??? He weighed 6lbs 12ozs and was 18 inches long. My water broke at my moms house at 7:15 the night before...He was born the next morning at 9:10am. So I was in labor for 14 hours, but it was a fabulous experience. I have been telling EVERYONE...If all Labor and Delivery were as pleasant as his was, I would have a baby every year. Enjoy these pictures!


Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Guess what!?

Okay, so I went to the dr yesterday only to find out that my contractions are just Braxton Hicks and that I am only dialated 1.5cm and still only 70% effaced! What a bummer! She then asked me if I wanted her to sweep my cervix...I asked if it would hurt and she said, "Yes!" but I had her do it anyway...For those of you who havent had it done...GOOD FOR YOU! For those of you who have indeed shared this experience...You know that it feels like she was trying to park her car there. Anyway, it was meant to help progress my labor...so far I just feel SORE! I'll let you know how it goes. For now...here are some pics of Patricks Nursary!



Monday, January 5, 2009

I am STILL pregnant!

Hey All,

Just an update... I am still very pregnant and miserable. I wonder how in the world one can stay pregnant for so long after losing her plug, but who am I t question mother nature? Anyway, I see my Doctor tomorrow the 6th, I am praying that I have dialated enough for her to keep me, but I am trying not to get my hopes up. I am enclosing a picture of me for New Year's Eve! Enjoy!



Saturday, December 27, 2008

Still Waiting!

Hey Guys,
Just a short update to fill you all in! Patrick isnt here yet, but it wont be long. As of December 26th I am dialted 1cm, 70% effaced and I had my "Show" on Christmas day! My doctor said anything could happen at any time now, so I am patiently waiting. I will let you know if anything happens! Happy New Year!
